California Privacy Rights Act Compliance

If your organization is heavily dependent on paper-based operations and you conduct business in California or have customers in California, changes to your internal workflow processes may be required.

Why? Because the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), which went into went into effect as of Jan. 1, 2023, amended the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

The recent changes to CCPA (as amended) expanded the rights that California residents (including consumers, employees, and job applicants) have pertaining to their personal information and imposes additional privacy requirements on covered businesses. To name a few, these include the right to know, access, correct, delete, and opt out of the sale and/or sharing of personal information your business may have collected about them.*

What does this mean to you? If your organization collects and stores paper forms containing personal information from protected individuals, you now have an ongoing obligation to respond to formal privacy requests from those individuals pertaining to their personal information. This means someone has to go searching through paper files, regardless of how many you have in storage or where they’re located, in order to identify the appropriate files or documents needed to respond or act upon a protected consumer’s privacy request.

Needless to say, this can be a management nightmare.

The solution? Digitize your files and get rid of all that paper. This can eliminate paper storage costs and reduce the time and effort required to retrieve documents from hours (or even days) to seconds, making it easier for covered businesses to efficiently respond to any employees, job applicants, or other protected consumers who may choose to exercise their privacy rights under California law.

Which scanner is best for doing this? A variety of factors go into choosing the right scanner for your particular situation, but the best place to start is with fi Series Document scanners, which include:


  • Improved Feed Technologies
  • 100 page batch hopper
  • 70 pages per minute (PPM)
  • Ergonomically sized for any desk


  • Wide format for large docs
  • 300 page batch hopper
  • 100 PPM
  • Flatbed for delicate documents


  • Built for the largest projects
  • 500 page batch hopper
  • 140 PPM
  • High daily duty cycle

Note: The information provided herein is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be construed, or relied upon, as legal advice. Please consult with a licensed attorney regarding your specific legal situation as regulations may be subject to change.

