5 Paperless Solutions and Systems That Work in 2023

Improve efficiency, reduce waste, and automate workflows with these helpful paperless solutions

There are many reasons why businesses decide to go paperless. Benefits may include greater productivity, reduced costs and waste, and increased security and compliance rates. Yet, one cannot expect a business to go paperless without a little help.

Paperless solutions are the tools you use to make the digital transition. They aid in document storage and retrieval, signature gathering, and automation. Plus, they help keep your information secure and compliant. The following are useful components of any paperless business.

Ready to ditch paper clutter and embrace a digital workflow? Read this guide to going paperless to learn the benefits of swapping, plus the strategies and tools you need to streamline your work life.

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5 paperless solutions to aid your digital transformation

When going paperless, your business will be working to ensure that it is effectively converting physical paperwork into digital files. Then, it must store them within secured platforms and enable access for authorized employees. It must also prevent theft or data loss. The following paperless solutions will help your business make a successful transition.

Document management system

Document management systems aid in the storage of digital documents and files. They bring a wealth of functionality to managing digital files, including:

  • Security: Secure access with custom user accounts and permission policies. These features ensure only valid employees have access to the files they need to do their job.
  • Tagging: Applying metatags ensures files are searchable within a large collection of files.
  • Version control: View changes and revert files to their original state. Also, track compliance across several versions.
  • Collaboration: Allow employees across departments to work together on documents and make revisions.

Digital scanners

Even paperless offices will continue to use paper. Digital scanners enable businesses to convert physical documents into digital files. When looking for a document scanner that fits into the rest of your paperless solutions, keep the following features in mind:

  • Rapid scanning: Digital conversion can take a long time without the right hardware. Look for scanners that can hold large stacks of paper and can scan them within minutes.
  • Optical character recognition makes data extraction from digital scans easy and reliable.
  • Manual feed mode helps when scanning awkward documents, like ID cards, pamphlets, or longer papers.
  • Accompanying software often includes additional features, such as automatic file naming, image cleanup, indexing, and more.

Did You Know?:The fi-8170 can scan up to 70 pages per minute and 10,000 pages per day. Click here to learn more.

Data collection tools

Paper forms were once the standard way to gather information from customers, patients, or clients. Since going paperless means transferring this data into digital systems (either through manual input or automated scans), it is best to remove the middleman entirely.

Creating digital forms allows you to get information directly from the user and store it immediately within a database. Powerful software can also enable more than text input. Many options provide no-code, drag-and-drop functionality that enables the creation of dynamic forms that respond to user input. Plus, you can easily filter and sort responses to find the data you need.

Electronic signature platform

Some wary businesses choose to stick with paper documents for gathering legally-binding signatures. Electronic signature platforms offer a digital substitute. They enable your business to gather signatures for contracts and other crucial documents. Best of all, they are as binding as their handwritten counterparts. Many platforms also provide integration with other systems. That way, you can gather signatures wherever you choose to work.

Workflow automation tools

Managing multi-step processes can be a hassle. For example, documents may go through writing, editing, and revision phases. They may also need further approval from upper-level management before publication or use. A workflow automation platform can help you create project templates to manage this process. Due dates will automatically cascade based on the project start date. Plus, collaborators will be notified when prior tasks are completed. These tools will enable you to maximize efficiency while reducing the paper necessary to facilitate project completion.

Did You Know?:PCMagazine described the fi-8170 as “...ideal as a front end for high-powered document archiving applications.” Click here to read the full review and learn why it earned an “excellent” 4 out of 5 rating.

Our recommendation: fi-8170

Those in the market for a paperless scanning solution have no shortage of options. We take great pride in having spent the last 50+ years researching, designing, and developing some of the most advanced and powerful electronics in the world, including our professional grade fi Series scanners.

Built to purpose for the most demanding document handling jobs, fi and SP scanners are capable of processing tens of thousands of pages per day at the highest levels of accuracy. Their intuitive integration capabilities with all existing work suites minimize time-to-value for businesses looking to invest in tools that will pay dividends for years to come.

The compact fi-8170 is built to be the cornerstone of your paperless office. Fast, double-sided scanning speeds of up to 70 pages per minute combine with a 100-page automatic document feeder to help make short work of large stacks of paper. Its intelligent monitoring systems prevent paper jams from damaging critical files. And the included PaperStream software suite automates file naming and sorting to ensure digitized documents are easily accessible for whoever needs them. Click here to learn more or shop the rest of our production scanner line.

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