Case Management Scanning: Save Time, Increase Case Loads and Expedite Resolutions

For social services agencies that interact with large numbers of people every day, effective case management is critical. Case managers provide a myriad of services that can be sensitive in nature to those in need—and oftentimes the outcome of these cases can have a significant impact on the future of those people seeking the services. 

Government agencies are a great example of organizations that service hundreds of thousands of people every day. Take the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), an agency which is part of the Department of Homeland Security. It has more than 200 offices across the world, with 19,000 employees and contractors. This agency provides services relating to citizenship, naturalization, immigration, work visa and foreign adoptions. It also administers humanitarian programs that help to protect people who are displaced by war, famine and civil and political unrest or fleeing their country to escape death or torture.

Here’s a quick look at what the people at USCIS were able to accomplish in fiscal year 2019. The agency naturalized 834,000 new citizens and granted lawful permanent residence to nearly 577,000 individuals. It received nearly 2.2 million employment authorization applications, approved 500,000 petitions for non-immigrant workers, and granted immigration relief to more than 25,000 individuals, including victims of trafficking, crime and Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) recipients.

Paper-based processing still dominates

Organizations with large caseloads like this—whether they provide government, healthcare, or other social services—are inundated with paper-based processes, despite the amount of digitization they might have already undertaken.

The reality is the people these agencies serve are typically required to fill out and sign multi-page application or claim forms that have been printed out. There are typically other physical pieces of documentation required as well, such as identification and membership cards. For case managers who may have hundreds of people to serve on a regular basis, it can be tedious and time-consuming to copy, record and manage all that documentation.

And with workloads like this, it’s easy to understand how errors, misfiling and delays can occur, which are costly to remedy and disheartening for those waiting for approvals. 

The game changer: Scanning at the point of capture

To alleviate these issues, case managers can now use desktop scanners, which will not only make their workload easier and more efficient, but it also helps expediate the outcomes for the individuals applying for services.

Small-footprint desktops scanners, such as the fi-800R,  can be located at the point of capture—right where applications and claims are submitted. Case managers can immediately scan all requisite forms and any other required documents, such as a driver’s license, insurance card or passport that are submitted for processing, while still engaging with the applicant.

Scanning documents at the point of capture not only helps at this initial stage, but it also can facilitate any review, decision-making and storage processes that follow. Here’s how:

  • Accelerated workflows. Rather than having to leave their position to go to a centralized scanner or copier, case managers can instantly capture all the information right at their desk, while they are with applicants. By eliminating the need for batching and transporting documents, the digitized information can automatically be routed to all those involved, whether they are down the hall, across town, or on the other side of the country.
  • Faster processing—and reduced wait times. Individual requests, like an application for citizenship or a filing of an insurance claim, can be streamlined and processed faster. Not only is the in-person waiting and processing time reduced, but the lag time to resolution is also shortened, as the determining parties quickly receive all the information they need in an easy, searchable format.
  • Improved accuracy. When documents are scanned at the point of origin, there is less likeliness that documentation is overlooked, lost while in transit, or misfiled. Scanning also helps case managers and other relevant parties make better informed decisions, as they have all the proper documentation right at their fingertips.
  • Little to no training needed. With efficient, high quality scanners, case managers can quickly scan all sorts of documents, from passports to 15-page applications. The scanners are user-friendly, as they automatically self-adjust for color, page size, orientation, quality and more.
  • Greater confidentiality. Most every application or claim contains highly confidential details. With scanning at the point of capture, personal information is more secure, with less chances for inappropriate exposure to the data as no paper-based forms travel from point-to-point.

Scanning documentation at the point of capture results in a win-win for all those involved. Case managers become more efficient and able to handle more cases, and the people that resolve the requests can come to a decision more quickly and effectively. And for the people waiting for the response—they are better served as they get the answers they need sooner rather than later.

GSA-Scheduled fi Series scanners

For agencies like the UCSCIS, the fi-800R, is a perfect choice and it is GSA schedule-compliant. We also have other GSA-compliant scanners, from front office models for volumes up to 500 pages per day to workgroup and departmental scanners that accommodate up to 6,000 pages per day. Additionally, we have larger low- to mid-volume production scanners that can process up to 100,000 pages per day.

To find a GSA authorized dealer, visit here. Other medical facilities can contact: [please provide].

This blog post does not constitute or imply the endorsement of, or recommendation by, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, or the U.S. Government.