Case study: Putman and Co.

In life, only three things are certain – death, taxes and paperwork. Putman & Co. is certainly no stranger to those latter two. The small Georgia-based tax consultancy helps individuals and small-to-medium sized businesses owners prepare and file their tax returns each year.

Not only does it require meticulous precision, but it also involves painstaking levels of documentation. In the months leading up to the annual IRS filing deadline, commonly known as “tax season,” the small three-man firm is buried under a veritable avalanche of paper.

According to Troy Putman, company founder, its workload quadruples between January 2nd to April 15th and some of the tax returns it creates are over 200 pages in length- about as thick as a bestselling novel.

In order to keep up with its demanding work, Putman & Co. has embarked upon a process of digitizing its previously paper-based processes. Click here and find out how Putman & Co. addressed and overcame their business challenges with ScanSnap iX1500.