Learn about PEPPM’s bid-protected cooperative purchasing Skip to main content


Expedite your organization’s digitization activities

Learn about PEPPM’s bid-protected cooperative purchasing.

What is PEPPM?

PEPPM is an educational purchasing cooperative with more than two million products under contract. The PEPPM purchasing program is the nation’s most comprehensive source for schools and other public agencies to research and procure technology brands that meet their local standards. PEPPM has a simple process to acquire the fi-series and ScanSnap scanners your organization needs to effortlessly digitize your important educational documents.

Get the scanners you need through PEPPM.

Experience the flexibility and cost savings behind the PEPPM cooperative. Schools and other public agencies, that require scans without errors and inaccuracies, can now bypass the RFB process to easily acquire our industry-leading fi-series and ScanSnap scanners at discounted pricing.


How it works.

• Identify your project needs for digitization.

• Work with a PEPPM Contract-authorized vendor to choose the right scanner for your projects.

• Place your order as a PEPPM member by signing up (it’s free!)

• Turn your documents into digital assets that are accessible anywhere, anytime.

Ready to learn more about how PEPPM contracts can make your digitization projects so much easier?

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