Complete And Accurate Court Records Keep Cases On Track And Firms Compliant - Ricoh Scanners Skip to main content

Complete And Accurate Court Records Keep Cases On Track And Firms Compliant


Complete And Accurate Court Records Keep Cases On Track And Firms Compliant

Most attorneys and their support teams know the best way to maintain accurate, accessible records is to digitize them, especially when using e-filing systems. But what happens inside the courtroom when a document is brought forward as an exhibit? Today’s courts require documents in a digitized format. Because obtaining information often happens during proceedings inside courtrooms, scanners must be compact and quiet.

Our market-leading document scanning solutions enable efficient case management by digitizing documents in order to make them readily available to judges, lawyers, clerks of the court, and others. Critical data is captured ensuring first-time accurate and clean scans to keep court cases on schedule.

High-quality Ricoh scanners are needed now more than ever


The number of lawsuits filed every year in the U.S.1


The number of licensed, active attorneys in the U.S.2


Of all U.S. cases are filed in state courts vs federal courts3


The number of cases reported by state trial courts in 20184

Stay compliant. Go digital.

Using high-quality Ricoh scanning solutions, scanner operators in trial courts, appeals courts, and state supreme courts are able to:

  • Quietly scan plea motions, exhibits, and supporting documents without distracting from a trial in progress
  • Document calendaring of court cases to allow accurate case management
  • Produce exceptionally clean images—even of hard-to-capture items like handwritten exhibits
  • Easily purge documents that meet their retention schedule
  • Improve the accuracy of record keeping—reducing duplications, misfiling, and loss
  • Maintain records that show compliance with regulations per state
  • Free up space used by filing cabinets or stored documents for other purposes


An ultra-compact scanner that fits into tight spaces and doesn't occupy valuable space

  • Scans a fast 40 pages per minute
  • Holds up to 20 pages in the feeder
  • 8.5x14" scan area


This scanner goes the extra mile to keep documents straight, reducing interruptions between batches

  • Scans a fast 80 pages per minute
  • Holds up to 100 pages in the feeder
  • 11x17" scan area

PaperStream Capture

Offers powerful image capture optimization, data extraction, and organizational capabilities

  • Single button scanning
  • Simple user interface
  • Unmatched image quality